Superior CoOp HVAC Water Heater Troubles
One of the most underappreciated appliances in the home, the water heater often goes unnoticed until it doesn’t deliver the water you were looking for. Giving you hot water for your daily showers, washing your clothing, running your dishwasher are just a few of the tasks that you ask your water heater to do daily. But what happens when you fail to think about this vital piece of your home or take it’s needs into consideration?
We all know that proper maintenance is essential to keeping this appliance in good working order. If you have regular maintenance then you will discover problems before they become an actual nuisance to your daily life. This service will expose potential leaks and damage to your tank and save you the emergency service call to us. In this article we will outline some of the common issues that you may experience if you choose to neglect your water heater.
A sure sign that there is a problem in your neck of the woods. If you see that your water is running the color of rust this could be an indication that your have a rust spot forming in your water heater. This indicates that you may have some damage in your water heater and this may lead to that surprise leak that prompts that midnight call about a flood in your home.
Is your water heater trying to tell you something in it’s own cryptic language? No, that is not Morse code being tapped out by your water heater. That is a sign that your water heater needs you to call it a doctor, or rather a HVAC technician! If your water heater is sending you these type of messages this can be a sign of residue building up in the foundation of your water heater. This will require your water heater to work harder and cost you more in the energy bill.
Please forgive our lyrical play here but this is truly a time to yell! If you find water around your water heater this can be a clear sign that your water heater has sprung a leak. If this water heater happens to reside in your attic then your problem is compounded because you will also have water damage to your home as the water soaks into the flooring and potentially drips down. If you come across water near your water heater then you need to call a HVAC specialist fast to avoid catastrophic damage to your home.
When you turn on your tap expecting hot water and you get only cold, then you have a problem. The simple issue could be that your pilot light has gone out. If you do not know where to look then you need to call us to come take a look for you! We are always happy to come help!
Perhaps you turn on the tap and the water is too hot or too cold. This is another issue. The simple answer is that you have the wrong size water heater. If a water heater is undersized leaving you in the cold when you try to take a shower then you will find that it most likely will fail faster as it is working harder to provide the hot water that you require.
Yes, your water heater is aging just like you do. And just like we do, the hot water heater internal parts work hard and eventually wear out. When you consider that the average water heater that gets regular maintenance will last between 10 and 15 years, if you have pushed past 10 years then 1) you are lucky and 2) you may want to consider a replacement soon. If you are unsure about the age of your water heater then you can always check the identification sticker that is on the unit. This will give you the date of manufacture as well as the unit serial number.
Of course we would be remiss if we did not remind you that we do offer a monthly maintenance contract that will guarantee that we come out to your home semi-annually to perform regular maintenance as well as help to detect potential issues before they arise overnight! If you are interested in learning more then you can read it here! If you have any questions then be sure to contact us today.
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